Tuesday, December 2, 2014

No Limitations

It is funny sometimes how words and signs can be misinterpreted by kids and even adults. Getting a 'physical' for athletics has always been a requirement, and I remember one time in particular because it was my first physical for sports in high school.

Dr. Mitchell once had a family practice and was our family doctor at the time. His office was in the same office that Dr. M uses today. After my examination Dr. Mitchell gave me the physical form that he had been checking off and recording my present and past health information on. At the bottom in large letters he had handwritten 'NO LIMITATIONS'.

I kind of knew what limitations meant, but because it had the negative word 'no' with it I thought that somehow something was wrong with my health that would keep me from playing sports.

At the supper table that night my parents could tell that I was 'down in the gills' so I was asked what was the matter. I proceeded to show them the physical form with the words no limitations on it and said, "I guess I can't play sports anymore."

My parents both studied the form and they both said that my physical was great. And I said, "But it says NO LIMITATIONS!"

They both had a big chuckle and explained to me what the phrase meant and from that point on my dad would say the phrase 'no limitations' at some of the funniest times to remind me that he was still smarter than me.

I think that we, as adults, need to relate stories like this to our kids, when they feel down or dumb because of something they have done or said, to show them we are all human and make mistakes.

The one thing I tell every class that I sub in is that it is ok to make mistakes because the lessons we learn when we make mistakes and correct them stick to our brains like glue.

I will never forget what NO LIMITATIONS means.

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