Sunday, December 14, 2014

Is Retirement What it is Cracked Up to Be

I am a newly retired teacher at the age of 60. For many years during my teaching career I coached, ran a business, and also taught school at the same time. My summers were always busy with running our store, working a basketball camp, and having open gym for my basketball team. So, I was not used to having a lazy summer.

During the last 15 years, I have not worked during the summers off that I have had as a teacher. We no longer have the store to run, and I no longer coach.

I have loved having summers off, but after a couple of weeks I start going stir crazy. And now I have retired and I have loads of time on my hands.

I keep telling myself and others that I need to get a job to fill part of my time, but it seems that I am not trained to do anything else but teach.

I probably should not have retired at the age of 60. I probably should have stayed in the teaching profession for a few more years. Working only 180 days a year is kind of like semi-retirement so I guess I should have plugged along for a few more years in Education.

My wife keeps telling me to start another career, and maybe that is what I ought to do. I guess we will see what the future holds.

One thing that has spurned me on lately though is the death of Nelson Mandela. A large part of his life did not even begin until he was 72 because of his prison term. It seems he has lived and worked a lifetime since he left prison, and many people at the age of 72 are beginning to do 'nothing' for the rest of their lives. He is an inspiration to me that I should use my remaining time here on earth to fill my time with greater accomplishments.

I think we can all use Nelson Mandela as an inspiration to do something with our lives to serve and help our fellow man.

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